About Me

Witt Family 2022

Chris Witt is an acclaimed picture editor with over 20 features and numerous shorts to his credit. He has gained a reputation for his ability to craft emotionally powerful moments that capture the imagination and explore the universal truths of the human experience.

But what sets Chris apart is not just his professional achievements but also his strong commitment to his family and community. When he’s not working on films, Chris spends quality time with his wife and two daughters, capturing candid shots of them on his film camera. He even shoots leftover film stock from movie productions, developing the rolls in his kitchen for a unique and intimate perspective. Chris is also also passionate about sharing his editing knowledge and experience with other creatives, and he often connects with young and aspiring filmmakers to help them on their path to success.

Actively searching for editing opportunities where compelling narratives are being crafted, whether in London, Los Angeles, or any corner of the globe.